Registration for Category-I Higher Educational Institutions eligible to offer ODL programmes without prior approval of UGC
Commission decision in its 563rd meeting held on 22nd November, 2022
1. All Category-I HEIs may be asked to submit the following (exactly the same as is being asked for HEIs entitled for Online programmes) for academic session January-February, 2023 onwards:
• Affidavit in the prescribed format.
• Application fee, as applicable.
• Confirmation/documentary evidence in respect of entitlement, nomenclature of proposed programmes as per notified UGC specification of degrees, proposed programme not in the prohibited list, one batch passed out and recommendation of the regulatory authority, as applicable.
• After confirming compliance as per the above points, the HEI name along with the programme names to be uploaded on website and HEIs may be intimated accordingly.
• Entitlement of number of programmes shall be as per the UGC (Categorisation of Universities (only) for Grant of Graded Autonomy] Regulations, 2018, as amended from time to time.
Instructions for Category-I Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs)
Category-I HEIs entitled to offer programme under Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode Without Prior Approval of the UGC as per UGC (Categorisation of Universities (only) for Grant of Graded Autonomy) Regulations, 2018 and its Amendments
- 1. University Grants Commission has notified the University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 in the official Gazette on 4th September, 2020. Subsequently, amendments have been notified on 1st July, 2021 and 18th July, 2022.
- These regulations are available on UGC website at You are requested to kindly read these Regulations prior to submitting your application.
- 2. All Category-I HEIs notified by UGC as per UGC (Categorization of Universities (only) for Grant of Graded Autonomy) Regulations, 2018 and its amendments willing to offer Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Programmes from academic session beginning January-February, 2023 and onwards shall submit information in the prescribed format along with applicable fee and affidavit in compliance to UGC (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 and its amendments.
3. The information thus collected shall be assessed by UGC-DEB to ascertain conformity to the following aspects:
i. Verification of Category-I Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) entitlement as notified by UGC
ii. Permissibility of proposed programme to be offered under ODL mode
iii. Adherence to UGC Notification of Specification of Degrees, 2014 and its amendments
iv. Prior approval of Regulatory Authority, wherever applicable -
4. Programmes in the following domains (including their allied domains) are prohibited to be offered under ODL mode:
i. Engineering
ii. Medical
iii. Physiotherapy
iv. Occupational Therapy and other Para-Medical disciplines
v. Pharmacy
vi. Nursing
vii. Dental
viii. Architecture
ix. Law
x. Agriculture
xi. Horticulture
xii. Hotel Management
xiii. Catering Technology
xiv. Culinary Studies
xv. Aircraft Maintenance
xvi. Visual Arts
xvii. Sports
xviii. Aviation
xix. any other programme not permitted to be offered in distance mode by any Statutory Councils or Regulatory bodies.
Apart from the above, M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes in all disciplines through ODL and Online mode are also prohibited. - 5. Commission decision in respect of Yoga Programmes: Read Here
6. Science based programmes, which require hands-on experience, experimental setup, shall be offered only by the Higher Educational Institutions having NAAC score of 3.26 and above or by the Open universities or by the Higher Educational Institutions having rank in top-100 in ‘University category’ of National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), at least twice in three preceding cycles.
Further, Science based programmes shall be offered from the Head Quarters and/or only from such Learner Support Centres (in compliance to territorial jurisdiction) which are offering same programme under conventional mode for atleast seven years. -
7. HEIs are requested to submit registration and application fee for recognition/entitlement of Open and Distance Learning Programme (ODL) programmes as under:
• One-time registration fee - Rs. 25,000/- + GST as applicable
• Starting of Programmes - Rs 10,000/ per programme, subject to minimum of Rs 50,000/- + GST as applicable
UGC public notice in this regard is available at - 8. HEI can pay fee through payment gateway integrated with application.
- 9. The HEI intending to apply shall register online through the portal. After successful registration, a unique ID and password will be sent on the registered email ID. The UGC may verify the genuineness of the applicant through email/mobile before sending ID and password. It may be noted that only Registrar is allowed to register on the behalf of the HEI. Persons other than registrar/authorised official of HEI are not allowed to register themselves on behalf of any HEI. UGC may initiate legal action against such persons.
- 10. The applicant HEI will be able to access the online application form after logging in through the portal using given ID and Password only. The applicant HEIs are requested to carefully read the contents of the application form before submitting the application.
- 11. After submission of online application, the HEI shall submit a copy of application along with the duly notarised affidavit to “Joint Secretary (DEB), University Grants Commission, Distance Education Bureau, 35, Feroze Shah Road, Delhi -110001”, within 10 working days after submission of the online application form.
- 12. A copy of online application including all annexures downloaded from the portal shall be uploaded by the HEI on its official website immediately after online submission.
- 13. Further, HEIs are also requested to visit the DEB, UGC website at on regular basis for latest updates/announcements in this regard.
- 14. You may kindly write to for any technical queries.
I also accept terms and conditions mentioned /provisions detailed in University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 and its amendments.
Please accept declaration to proceed further.